01 May Who’s Who at the BDC – Lee and Patty Goolsby
If you could spend your wedding anniversary any way you wanted to, what would you choose to do? Well, Lee and Patty Goolsby spent their 26th anniversary dancing at The Ballroom Dance Center! With four children, ages 14, 17, 21, and 22 all living at home, dancing has become a way for them to set aside time together each week, so their lives are not all about the kids.
Their two daughters, who have always danced and who they took to many, many dance lessons, were their inspiration for starting to dance. They initially bought a dance package as a fun Christmas gift for each other. They thought taking dance lessons would be short lived, but they have gone from one lesson a week to two. They say they have not figured out how to get rid of “their two left feet,” but they are having so much fun! It is challenging; however, when you finally get the hard stuff, it feels so good. “If someone else can do it, I can, too,” stated Patty. Lee added, “I never thought I would be able to dance, but you need to try new things.”
It was scary taking that first step, but they are becoming more confident with their dancing. The Cha-Cha is their favorite dance. They also enjoy Shag. One of their frustrations has been getting the counts in the music. The teachers make it look so easy. Their advice to beginner dancers is to not get discouraged.
They do practice, but they know they should practice more. They actually got rid of their coffee table during COVID so they would have room to practice at home. They come in an hour before their technique class to practice as well. There may just be a dance competition in their future.
They enjoy laughing a lot when they are dancing because they are having so much fun! They also listen to a lot of music now that they would not have listened to before. They have the confidence now to get up and dance at weddings and restaurants. It embarrassed the kids to death, but on a trip to Washington, DC, they waltzed in front of the Washington Monument. “We are really looking forward to going with the studio on the next cruise,” said Patty.
They like both group and private lessons, but for different reasons. The private lessons provide one-on-one instruction with your instructor. You can also go at the pace that is right for you as you focus on the different dances. Whereas with group classes, and you should definitely take group classes, you meet some really great people, and you have people you know at the Friday night dance parties.
Before COVID, Lee participated in triathlons, and he has a passion for running. When he is not backpacking or running, he is the Data Services Manager for AU Health. He has been there for 18 years. Patty is happiest when she is watching a sunset in the mountains. She works with brain injury survivors in Georgia and Maryland. She has a real passion for helping people, but it seems to run in the family. They teach a special needs Bible study class at Warren Baptist Church. Patty also enjoys crocheting blankets for sick babies.
In addition to their four children, Lee and Patty have four rescue dogs. One is a Japanese rescue their daughter brought home from Japan.