20 Feb Who’s Who at the BDC – Wilma and Sherman Brady
In recent years we have seen a growing interest by couples of all ages in ballroom dancing. Sometimes it’s his idea, sometimes it’s her idea, and sometimes they are both just looking for something they can do together. However, in the long run, dancing provides couples an opportunity to just spend time with each other as they learn how to ballroom dance. Plus, admit it, wouldn’t you rather spend time ballroom dancing with the love of your life for exercise than taking a local cross-fit class or doing a boot camp fitness workout?
Our most senior couple at The Ballroom Dance Center is Wilma and Sherman Brady. Wilma is a retired nurse. She is currently music director at The Church of the Holy Apostles. Sherman is a chemical engineer. They have two children. Their daughter lives in Hendersonville, TN, and their son lives with them in Barnwell, SC. They have two granddaughters who they are so proud of. Caitlyn teaches second grade, and Madison is pursuing her education in ministry.
Wilma and Sherman were looking for something they could do together. They tried golf, but their jobs got in the way. Then they found a group in Barnwell that was doing line dancing which led them to do Western dance. Eventually that folded, and they came across an Augusta Magazine which advertised ballroom dancing. They started dancing in Aiken, but their instructor moved and recommended The Ballroom Dance Center.
When Wilma and Sherman came to the studio, they took private lessons to start with. They took a few group lessons, but preferred private. With private lessons they can focus on the details and not feel like they are holding up a group of students who may want to learn at a faster pace.
Due to their aging process, dancing has kept them active mentally, physically, and spiritually. Plus, dancing at the BDC has given them the opportunity to develop lasting relationships with their instructors and other dance students. They also enjoy the time they get to share together, not only in their dance life, but during their alone together time driving to and from the studio for their lessons.
As for what they would have said to themselves before they started dancing, Sherman – “Try it, you might like it!” Wilma – “I want to do that!” In their own words, “The seasons of our lives continue to change, but we can move forward to be the best we can be no matter what our age.”
Their advice to new dancers is “Stay motivated.” Some of their frustrations have included trying to make their mind and body work together. Due to Wilma having multiple fractures, coming back to dance has been a challenge. She has never had to worry about stability and balance as much as she does now. As Wilma and Sherman realize, if you want to truly dance – you will have ups and downs – just keep pushing forward.
Initially they were only interested in dancing socially. They never intended to compete or perform, but that quickly changed. Their goals are more complex now due to wanting to learn the correct technique for the various dance styles. They know how important that is when participating in competitions, since that is what the judges are looking for. They enjoy performing in the shows at the studio and seeing the happiness it brings to the audiences. As a side note, Wilma and Sherman won first place at the 2020 Augusta Dance Challenge for their show number. We can’t wait to see what they have planned for the “Villains” showcase later this year.
You will find Wilma and Sherman as regulars at our dance parties. Dance parties are the perfect place for them to practice what they learn during their private lessons. Practice makes their lessons go smoother and helps them progress faster in their dancing. Dance parties are also a great way to build friendships with other students of The Ballroom Dance Center.
Hopefully, dance parties will resume soon starting with the Snow Ball! We can always use a little Christmas cheer no matter what month of the year.